Directory Information

Visibility matters!

Make your mark by creating or updating your profile on CreativeGround. If your photos are high-quality, Creative County will automatically feature your profile on the homepage's rotating artist showcase.


Join CreativeGround!

Our ECCF Creative County Initiative has joined forces with the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA)'s CreativeGround. This online database brings artists together, connects them with potential clients, and fosters an understanding that thriving neighborhoods and a robust creative sector complement each other. CreativeGround showcases the diverse range of creatives and venues across the six New England states.

This free online directory covers profiles from all artistic disciplines, including performing and visual arts, crafts, cultural nonprofits like museums, libraries, theaters, and creative businesses such as recording studios and design agencies. Once you set up a user account and public profile, Creative County will integrate your profile into our Essex County, Mass. portal. This increases your local exposure and broadens your visibility across New England.

Why join?

Greater visibility for your work is key. Listing on CreativeGround qualifies you to be featured on the Creative County platform, and in the "On the CreativeGround" series on the NEFA blog. You're also eligible for NEFA grants.

Build the creative sector! NEFA advocates for the arts, and your profile helps illustrate the arts' impact throughout the region and all of New England. This advocacy supports increased arts funding. Without it, the arts and artists, particularly those affected by the pandemic, would receive less financial support.

Find collaborators. Greater visibility brings more than recognition. Use the Search and Explore functions to discover potential collaborators and resources in Essex County and the broader New England cultural community. Navigate through over 30,000 profiles offering an array of services.