Boxford Cable Access Television Corporation, Inc (BCATv) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which was formed to strengthen our community through increasing and enhancing communication among its residents. Membership is open to all the residents of Boxford, Mass.

BCATv exists to provide Boxford residents and organizations with the tools and training needed to effectively communicate with one another and with our schools and governmental bodies through the use of television and other electronic media.

These resources provide community members with a non-commercial forum for ideas, opinions, information and creative expression originating at the grassroots level.

Our goals are:

  • Create a collaborative, participative and creative environment.
  • Provide the cable subscribers of Boxford with a wide variety of public, government, and education access television that is inspired and produced by our residents.
  • Promote freedom of speech and freedom of artistic expression.
  • Highlight Boxford's diversity, including: its agricultural roots; strong democratic local government; educational facilities, including its regional high school district; youth and adult sports; local artisans; and growing senior population.
  • Nurturing producer driven programming ideas that are unimpeded by excessive regulatory control, ratings or commercial influence.
  • Provide an inviting, nurturing and safe learning environment where it's ok to experiment and learn by making mistakes.