The Haverhill Cultural Council: Granting not just money, but opportunity to local groups, non-profits, schools and individuals of all ages, to make an impression on their world, an expression of their soul, through the arts, humanities and interpretive sciences that demonstrate the spirit of our city from the Inside Out.

Arts, Humanities & Interpretive Sciences

Arts involve the creation and presentation of work in visual, musical, media and literary programs. 

Humanities include history, social studies, philosophy and art appreciation. 

Interpretive Science is educational activities engaging all ages in learning about nature, science and technology in ways that connect to our lives

This includes projects involving liberal arts, poetry, performing arts, music, dance, culinary arts, media art, photography, cinematography, visual arts, drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpting, and storytelling just to name a few.

Council Priorities

The Haverhill Cultural Council gathers input from the community yearly and develops funding priorities based on this feedback.

  • The Haverhill Cultural Council will give PRIORITY to projects that generate:
  • Community support and involvement
  • Documented experience that leads the Council to believe the applicant has the support and ability to complete the project.
  • Projects that offer cultural diversity to our community (Cultural here refers to arts, humanities and interpretive sciences)
  • Promotion of a mix of opportunities to reach and engage all ages, races, genders, and demographics
  • The presentation of the City of Haverhill in a positive and inviting way that entices people from outside the community to experience what Haverhill has to offer

In addition to the state criteria applications will be evaluated using the following review criteria:

  • How well the program meets our local priorities
  • Financial plan
  • Demonstrated planning abilities

The following 4 criteria MUST be met to qualify for a Haverhill Cultural Council Grant

  • All projects (other than field trips) must take place within the city of Haverhill and be sponsored by a Haverhill resident or business.
  • Field trips must enhance the experience of Haverhill students in the areas of the Arts, Humanities or Interpretive Sciences.
  • A specific DATE and VENUE must be included in application
  • Confirmation Letter from the local venue must be provided

General guidelines for Haverhill Cultural Council grants include:

  • Grants usually do not exceed $3,000
  • Not all grant requests can be fulfilled at 100%. Our scoring process, using these criteria, allow us to provide meaningful funding to as many applicants as possible.
  • Marketing plan must include at least 3 of the following 5 areas. Website (include link), Social media, Printed materials (brochures, Flyers, Posters, etc.), Broadcast media (radio/TV – list stations), Newspaper
  • Grants are not expected to fully fund projects or field trips – so be certain to show your budgeted expenses and funding. List non-monetary donations (time, labor etc..) which are assisting you in the completion of your project. These can be listed as in-kind matches on your budget.
  • Tickets, travel, chaperones, guide fees all will be considered on field trip grant applications
  • Capital expenditure requests will be considered with appropriate back-up information
  • Weighted consideration is given to new projects or field trips over those that have been funded within the last 3 years
  • Plan on a knowledgeable representative (you or a proxy) attending the Haverhill Cultural Council Q&A session on OCTOBER 25, 2016, at the Citizen Center -10 Welcome St., Haverhill – to answer any clarifying questions the Council may have regarding your application. Participation in this session may increase your likelihood to be granted your funding request.
  • We use a 100 point scoring process – those not represented at this session will not receive the 5 point allocation for having attended.