The ACMS was founded in 1996 by flutist Julia Scolnik and her husband Michael Brower. Music lovers quickly responded to the outstanding performances that took place in the intimate stone West Parish Church, the ACMS’s first home. The curved pews of the church enveloped the performers and enhanced the communication between them and the audience. This was chamber music at its best. In three short seasons ACMS developed a loyal and devoted following of concertgoers from Massachusetts and New Hampshire who returned time and again not only for the quality of the programming and artists but also for the personal element that Scolnik brought to the concerts. After three years, scores of people were being turned away at the door, and it was time to make a change. In the fall of 2000 the ACMS moved into the new Rogers Center for the Arts at Merrimack College. The new hall has enabled the ACMS to perform to a larger audience without sacrificing the intimacy their audience is used to. The Andover Chamber Music Series is committed to presenting masterpieces of chamber music repertoire from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, in mixed ensembles of strings, winds, voice and piano. The artists are chosen by their particular affinity for the works performed. Once a year the ACMS expands to perform works for small chamber orchestra, most often performed without a conductor, as in the chamber music tradition.