The idea of “Artists for the Great Marsh,” initiated by Peter H Van Demark, is to have a continuing artistic focus on the whole Great Marsh, including painting, sculpture, photography, music, video, dance, prose, poetry, theater, and any other creative endeavors, to bring attention to the importance, beauty, and fragility of the Great Marsh, because climate change is accelerating the damage to our coastal resources. Artists are masters at conveying information to and evoking responses from the public, which needs to know about the problems and their solutions.
Updated 06/15/2023
Rockport, MA 01966
Rockport, MA 01966
Job Title
Institution/Business Type
Arts Service Organization
Arts Service Organization
Events Per Year: 6
Seasons Active: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Institution/Business Type: Arts Service Organization
Year Founded: 2020
Activities and Services
- Arts for Social Change / Creative Activism
- Creation of a Work of Art (Including Commissions)
- Public Art Projects (In Free, Public Spaces)
- Performance / Concert / Reading
- Residency - Community
- Community Arts
- Exhibitions
- Artist Market
- Multi-Disciplinary
- Dance - General
- Literary Arts - General
- Music - General
- Theater - General
- Visual/Crafts - General
Affiliations & Accomplishments
Touring Info
Teaching Info
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